Monday, June 2, 2008

OK Already

After being hounded, abused, and verbally assaulted by Heidi Rinkel, we are blogging. This post is mostly to appease certain "people" who refer to us (or me I should say) as "fake" bloggers (or perhaps "floggers"?) So I am going to add a really funny picture of Kellen and his favorite puppy named Harley. Harley is only 14 months old and just loves Kellen. Harley lives with our friends The McGanney's. I should mention that Harley is not your typical "puppy." He is a Great Dane, already weighs about 150lbs, and when he stands on his hind legs, stands about 6'0 tall. But these two get along famously.

1 comment:

The Rinkels said...

So happy to see you made a post. The only reason I gave you a bad time is because you made a point to call and tell us you were blogging then left it blank for 2 weeks. That picture is too cute. Now, keep up the good work. ~Heidi