Monday, December 29, 2008

My little girl

When I turned the computer on, this picture popped on as our background. I had to share it because it completely took me off guard. It seems that my little girl is growing before my eyes (she will be 3 in March). I don't know what it is, but this picture, to me at least, captures self-assurance that I can only hope she grows up to have. It's almost as if she is hiding from the world and ready to take it on all at the same time.


Chris and Heather said...

WOW... What an incredible picture. She's looks less like a toddler and more like a little girl all the time!!

The Rinkels said...

That's a great picture. She's a big girl now......and do we need to mention that she looks just like her mom?

Papa & Nama said...

My gosh, Norah is turning into a beautiful little girl, from the toddler that we all know and love.