Friday, May 8, 2009

Turning 30!

I knew it was coming, but it didn't make it any easier. I turned 30 on May 1st, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would first. Katie and the kids treated me to a nice day at Point No Point in North Kitsap County on a very nice day (pictures to come, when we have a new computer....thats another story). Then our good friend Michelle watched Kel and Norah as Katie took me out to dinner at Mossimo near the Purdy Bridge (really good food). Had an awesome birthday party, except that it rained, and then came the bad stuff. It all started on April 30th, my first day on vacation. Decided I would grow out a goatee (both Norah and Katie like it), but then I started to find little gray hairs on my chin. Not Cool! Anyways, Katie says I should be grateful that I didn't grow out a full beard as more than likely I would have found more. This to go with my receding hairline and I am officially middle-aged. Yea!


The Rinkels said...

Welcome to the club Mister! It's not so bad. Although I will tell you that gray hair is just the beginning of it. Hope you had a great birthday!

The Rinkels said...

Where oh where have my little friends gone? Where oh where have they been?????