Monday, December 29, 2008

Winter Wonderland

The girls sledding down our driveway! Doesn't Norah remind you of 'Randy' from "A Christmas Story?"

Just after this, Katie put her skiis on and tried a little downhill, I would rate our driveway as a double black diamond. She managed to not fall down. Score!

My little girl

When I turned the computer on, this picture popped on as our background. I had to share it because it completely took me off guard. It seems that my little girl is growing before my eyes (she will be 3 in March). I don't know what it is, but this picture, to me at least, captures self-assurance that I can only hope she grows up to have. It's almost as if she is hiding from the world and ready to take it on all at the same time.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Kellen's First Haircut

Kellen's 1st haircut!

He went to The Bullpen in Tumwater where Craig has gone since Middle School. In fact, Papa Mike went there too when he was a kid (and had more hair).

Thats Doug on the right about to make our little baby into a little boy.

Bye Bye blonde curls!

Nama had a hard time watching this part... Norah's expression says it all!

Dad's turn!Two Irish men and a Italian all go into a Barber shop-

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Doin the Puyallup

A couple of different looks from our trip to the Fair. (L-R, Top to Bottom) Norah and Craig getting ready to ride. Kellen had too much fun. Norah Milking a cow. Norah and Craig on the Carousel.

The many characters of Kellen

It has been some time since we have posted, so here are some pre-hallowen pics of Kellen

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Zoo with the Rinkels

We had a fun day at the zoo with the Rinkels.

This Lemar was licking the glass right next to Norah.

Okay- for additional pictures please visit the Rinkels Blog.
LOL! What can I say we were busy & taking pictures, well that was Heidi's job.
(I seriously came away with 3 pictures from that entire day!)

You know what they say about Vegas...

First of all- A HUGE thank you to our dear friends for helping us take this trip (minus the kids) Rinkels - that means you! We owe ya BIG!

Before the flight to Vegas (yes it was dark on the plane)

On the way home from Vegas

Bottom line: What happens in Vegas stays in vegas!

I love cat food!

This is Kellen... A cute, blue eyed, 11 month old -

But notice his mouth- could it be? No- say it isn't so...

Cat food! Yikes!

It seems Gerber is just not doing it for our little man anymore.

We are seriously thinking about starting a post of all the things Kellen has eaten - It may grow as long and complex as little Percy's on the Rinkels blog.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

It was just a routine call for BFD Station 1-B shift. I had no idea the lasting effects that could follow my career forever. A simple aid call really...nothing more. Just a trip to the downtown Hampton Inn. We were hoping to make it back to finish watching the MLB All-Star game. But sadly, fate would be against us.

After sending the patient with the ambulance, the four of us got into that elevator, our lives would never be the same. The doors closed, then a jerking sensation. The door opened only a few inches....and that was it. We were stuck. I could say that in this precious time, we reflected on our lives. but no! there was no time for that. EMS Capt. Plyler immediatly began chiseling in the wall the passing minutes, FF Junkin trying to figure out who was going to be the first person "sacrificed", FF Patti, noticing that Junkin was eyeing him, implementing his plans to tunnel out of the elevator using little more than spoons. Capt. Golnik, with 38 years on the department realizing the gravity of the situation, trying to maintain composure while calling E-3 to help us out. Did those things really happen? No. But unlike other professions who may have panicked, like cops, we simply took a picture. And now face the daunting task of feeding E-3 Cold Stone ice cream for their heroics in rescuing us.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Here goes nothing...

Okay, so I begged Craig to dump myspace and become a blogger (is that even a term?) - So I need to post something to make him feel the LoVe.

Tonight I am going to go off on a tangent. Why---because I can I guess. I think being a mom is the hardest job to do in the entire world. Take tonight for instance, my lovely daughter nicknamed "the devil wears carters" decided to draw an imaginary line in the carpet and challenge me for the fourth time this evening. I swear I wanted to pull every last one of my chin hairs out (yes you do get those as a result of motherhood). I told her to go to time out and gave my meanest face and the pointy finger I use to remind her where time out it located. You know what she did? She looked me square in the face and said "love you mommy... dont cry." Well needless to say I started crying and she started pretending to cry which made me laugh and then we sat and hugged on the floor by the time out spot. Oh the hormones in our future... Look out.

Hmmm - okay blogging is kind of fun. I will be back for more.

Happy Father's Day

I was very fortunate this Father's Day! This is my first Father's Day with both Norah and Kellen and to celebrate, they got me a customed carved bear with a personalized fire helmet, axe and flashlight. It stands about 2 feet tall, and is placed in our flower bed near our front side-walk. For those who have been to our house, this carving was done at the carving shop along Hwy 3 in Allyn. They did a great job! You will have to stop by to truly appreciate the craftmanship. Thank you Norah and Kellen (and Katie too!:)

Friday, June 13, 2008

This is a little late, but Craig wants to brag about his softball team's 2nd place finish at the Olympia Firefighters 39th Annual Softball Tournament. In the Championship Game, we lost by 1 run in extra innings to a team of "firefighters" from Mukilteo (who were actually a bunch of ringers who had bad attitudes...but that is a different story)

Picture is our team photo after winning the 2nd place trophy.

Monday, June 2, 2008

OK Already

After being hounded, abused, and verbally assaulted by Heidi Rinkel, we are blogging. This post is mostly to appease certain "people" who refer to us (or me I should say) as "fake" bloggers (or perhaps "floggers"?) So I am going to add a really funny picture of Kellen and his favorite puppy named Harley. Harley is only 14 months old and just loves Kellen. Harley lives with our friends The McGanney's. I should mention that Harley is not your typical "puppy." He is a Great Dane, already weighs about 150lbs, and when he stands on his hind legs, stands about 6'0 tall. But these two get along famously.